A Properly Installed Car Seat Can Save Your Child’s Life.
Nationwide, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injuries and deaths for children ages 0-14.
*Properly used car seats reduce the risk of death in passenger cars by 71 percent for infants.
*Properly used car seats reduce the risk of death in passenger cars by 54 percent for toddlers.
*For children 4- to 8-years-old, booster seats reduce injury risk by 45 percent compared to seat belts alone.
*According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
A Properly Installed Car Seat Can Save Your Child’s Life.
Nationwide, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injuries and deaths for children ages 0-14.
According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, properly used car seats reduce the risk of death in passenger cars by 71 percent for infants and 54 percent for toddlers.
For children 4- to 8-years-old, booster seats reduce injury risk by 45 percent compared to seat belts alone.
*Properly used car seats reduce the risk of death in passenger cars by 71 percent for infants.
*Properly used car seats reduce the risk of death in passenger cars by 54 percent for toddlers.
*For children 4- to 8-years-old, booster seats reduce injury risk by 45 percent compared to seat belts alone.
*According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia